Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Sylvia Plath

Sylvia Plath,
The first poem out of her series that I really liked was “lady Lazarus”. This poem was very odd. It was interesting though and I found myself slowing down to actually read it. The allusion to multiple suicide attempts is not surprising to me after I read her biography and first poem. But the way she described her own self as being dead was rather detailed oriented. I also like how she describes people’s reactions to her supposed death. There is an unwrapping of her and there are words like miracle thrown around. It also seems as if there is some kind of shock being used, but maybe not.
Her poems are so long and detailed. The thoughts behind them must be so deep and resounding that it would be hard to live like that. Her psychological problems are seen woven through the different lines of her poetry. And it’s not just the obvious use of words like death and blood. There is a negative connotation behind a lot of the passages seen. Even when speaking of the heart she uses words like Brute to describe it. In “Daddy” at the end of the poem she say’s “There’s a stake in your fat black heart”. The criticism and negativity that the reader can feel in these words leaves a bitter taste in their mouth.
There were some poems that I liked, and then other’s I didn’t like. I have a hard time thinking about the poems because I feel like everything she says is just part of a psychological delusion that she is revolving around. I don’t really understand in the last poem that is in the book why she thinks she is better then everyone else. Is there a specific reason for it, or is she just exclaiming a part of the disturbance she obviously has?

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